Moon-Ho Jung


Linda Nash is the Director of the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest and Associate Professor of History at the University of Washington. She specializes in environmental and cultural history in the United States in the twentieth century.

Nash is the author of Inescapable Ecologies: A History of Environment, Disease, and Knowledge (University of California Press, 2006), winner of the John H. Dunning Book Prize from the American Historical Association and the Sierra-Keller Book Prize from the Western Association of Women Historians.


Managing Editor, Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Bruce Hevly

Administrator, CSPN and Editor, Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Kim McKaig

Editor, Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Sara Early

Editorial Intern

Patrick Lozar

CSPN Advisory Board

John M. Findlay
Professor of History

Moon-Ho Jung
Associate Professor of History

Alexandra Harmon
Associate Professor of American Indian Studies

Past CSPN Directors

John M. Findlay, 1990-1999

Bruce Hevly, 1999-2008

Moon-Ho Jung, 2008-2013

Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest